Mongo express
Mongo express

The different resources exposed as endpoints from the API represent collections in the database. A common use case is to create a REST API that stores data in a database, such as MongoDB. You can build on top of this simple routing example to work with real data. Similarly, the app.put() method is used to handle a PUT request on the /products/:productId route, where :productId is a parameter that is extracted from the URL. For example, the app.get() method is used to handle a GET request on the /products route. The code above uses methods of the app object that correspond to HTTP methods-GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE. Return res.send('POST HTTP method on product resource') Īpp.put('/products/:productId', (req, res) => resource`) Īpp.listen(3000, () => console.log('Server is running on port 3000')) Return res.send('GET HTTP method on product resource') The following sample implements a REST-like API with Express in only 20 lines of code! const express = require('express') Express is often used for creating APIs, especially REST APIs.

mongo express

It is part of the OpenJS foundation and has an active community of contributors.Įxpress extends the Node.js http package with features for routing, middlewares, and views. Express is a free and open-source MIT-licensed project.

mongo express mongo express

It is designed to be fast, minimal, and modular. Express is a minimal web application framework for Node.js.

Mongo express